How to Get Started in Abstract Pattern Paintings

Abstract art is a broad subject that can include many different styles. Artists who create abstract paintings don’t tend to stick to one particular style. What they do have in common is an interest in exploring different possibilities. Whether you’re just getting started with abstract painting or an experienced artist looking for new inspiration, there are plenty of ways to get involved with this exciting, ever-evolving genre. In this article, New York- based artist Hillel Selznick teaches you how you can start creating your own abstract paintings today.

Learn about the basics

If you’re just starting out, it might be helpful to learn more about abstract painting’s history. You can find a wealth of information about the genre on Hillel Selznick’s website, and it’ll help to contextualize what you’re doing. You’ll also find a lot of information about materials, brushes, and other methods.

Experiment with colors and shapes

As you get more comfortable with the basic concepts of abstract painting, you can experiment with color and shape. The two most common experiments are using a different color as the main painting and creating abstract shapes. Both of these are great ways to add variety to your abstract paintings. For example, try painting with a different color than you usually use. You might try orange, purple, or pink, for example. Use a different color to see how it changes the whole feel of your painting. If you’re feeling more experimental, try creating abstract shapes like branches, leaves, or flowers. Shapes that are more geometric, like circles or triangles, are also a good way to add some variety to your abstract paintings, explains abstract painter Hillel Selznick.

Don’t be afraid to try new things

As you experiment with your abstract paintings, don’t be afraid to try new things. You might try painting with a new color, try an entirely different shape, or add more abstract elements to your paintings. New things are great because they expand your creative horizons, adds Hillel Selznick. They allow you to try new techniques and experiment with new ideas. Although it might be tempting to try to make your abstract paintings look like other paintings, don’t rush this. Just try to expand your ideas, try to push the genre forward, and try to make your Abstract paintings feel more original.

Practice your skills, practice your practice

Another way to practice your skills is to join online classes where artists share tips and feedback on their work. Many art programs offer workshops on a regular basis, and they’re a great way to get feedback on your skills and get practice with new techniques. You can also take art classes at your local community college or university. These classes are often free or very inexpensive, and they’re a great way to meet new artists and get feedback on your work. If your local community college or university offers art studios, you can also join a lab. These studios are a low-cost, low-commitment way to practice your skills, meet new people, and get feedback on your work.

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